#DMWF – The Future of Advertising – We have the key insights
Dezember 17, 2019 •Corinna Wewer
In 2019, the world of digital advertising sometimes seems too complex to navigate. Technologies change (seemingly by the minute), boundaries merge, and marketers need to accumulate various types of knowledge to keep up with trends. Luckily for the marketing world, there are always places where leading professionals of digital marketing and advertising can come together to share their experience and knowledge and analyze current trends and development best practices for the whole industry.
Hot topics: big data analytics, artificial intelligence and virtual reality
This time we (Yona and Corinna) decided to check out a special event in Amsterdam: The Digital Marketing World Forum (DMWF Expo Europe). The conference took place on 25-26 November and was dedicated to a wide range of topics. From new digital marketing technologies and big data analytics to artificial intelligence and virtual reality.
With almost 1000 attendees gathering at DMWF Expo to discuss the future of data, content and social media marketing, it is one of the biggest events in Europe. More than 100 speakers from well known brands from all over the world participated in the conference, as well as over 40 exhibitors. Giving you the option of connecting the gathering of knowledge with networking.

AI & ML as trends that define targeting and branding
As technologies continue to develop, marketers are becoming more and more interested in their potential and ability to do something new for business. 51% of advertisers have already integrated some elements of artificial intelligence into their campaigns. Many companies integrate artificial intelligence into the process of branding, unveiling new horizons for this technology in the advertising world.
Other discussions were focused on the impact of virtual reality on the industry and what kind of opportunities these technologies will open in the near future. Changes in technologies reflect changes in the needs of customers which is why specifics of marketing to Generation Z were also examined. Being the first ‘digital natives’, people from Gen Z are a great challenge for marketers, so building a strong relationship with these customers became yet another hot topic at the conference.

Would we come back?
This year DMWF Europe has united marketing professionals from all parts of the world. Many serious questions were discussed, such as changes in privacy laws, omnichannel advertising, and future trends in the world of technologies. To face these challenges many innovative solutions were presented. Along with world class speakers like Marene Arnold (Marketing & Communication Director, Mastercard Netherlands), Jérôme Amouyal (Head of Analytics and Insights, AXA Group Global), and Leonardo Piumi (Creative Producer, Philips) this conference is an event you don’t want to miss if you want to combine knowledge and networking. So the answer is a definite ‚yes‘ from our side!
Apart from the conference…
We took the opportunity and spent some additional days in Amsterdam. This city is always worth a trip. We’ve got some recommendations for you, if you decide to visit the DMWF next year:
- One of our favourite restaurants in the city: Tolhuistuin.
Located on the other side of Amsterdam, it is well worth a trip and only accessible by ferry (which lets you experience the glistering ’skyline‘ of Amsterdam at night). Check out pictures 1 and 2. - Strolling through the city at dusk. There was already plenty of christmas decoration up at the end of november. (picture 3 and 4)
- Visiting the old bookstore „Used english books“ at Kloveniersburgwal 58. We also found some german books in the basement. Check out picture 5 and 6.
- Trying the delicious cakes from Petite Gateau at Amsterdam Food Hallen. Be aware, it’s addictive! (picture 7)
- Going back to Amsterdam Noord for a nice cozy breakfast at Café de Pont before the train departure back to the homelands. (picture 8)
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